H T T P : / / Z Y D A F A D Z L Y . B L O G S P O T . C O M


Well halorr , howwa you . Hee nway , i just want to show to you my small happy family lahh kot . Sometimes perang , sometimes aman gila bapakk . :'D wee i just only have one mother one father and one younger sister . See see see , between me and my isiter , bedaa bangat enn enn . Hee yarh , that's us . Sorang muka ibu , sorang muka ayah .

On weekend , ta semua pun ada kat rumah . Saturday , hari wajib for ayah spent his time with his golfing friends . Ibu as usual , stay at home . Cleaned the house , cooked , and blablabla . Fazrin , sometimes hangout with her friends , if she's not goin anywhere , she just sitting infront of the computer and online from morning to night . Same goes to me . If ive got tuition class , then i go to class and sometimes lepak-ing with friends and boyfriends for a while .

Me ? Hemm , if ive got enough money , then i go shopping with the girls or with my cousin maybe . Nayy , i hate to be at home . Nothing to do at all . Rumah besar but dont know what to do . Luckily my house got one pet . Its a cat . And ayah gave her name 'Poyo' . Haha its because Poyo lovess to make sad face . Muka kepoyoaan lahh kataken . :D Huh at least there's someone accompany at home eventhough Poyo cant talk . But nevermind . :'(

Each weekend , for sure gilaa lahh . I will force ibu to go anywhere . I hate to be stuck at home . Second time actually i write that . Hmm but ibu , urghh ! just uatt bdoee . Nayy , bored tauu dduk rumahh . Haihhh . Boyfriend ? Sometimes texted with him , sometimes nope . Hmm tada bnda na ckp kot dgb dia . But when ta msg , miss him gilaa babi . Adoii . Pelik lahh kau nee zyda . Hee peace yaww .

What else ? Err i think i should stop right now . Na study lahh . Exam after cuti . Haihh . SPM SPM SPM !

okay bye . hmm